Danielle DeJoie |
A Collective with Flower Power
Over the past year and half, we've collectively experienced disruptions, loss, unknowns and a new perspective on the status quo. Personally, I've been navigating some major transitions in the areas of my work, my home life and my role in the world. This time has been and continues to be challenging yet through it, I've received the gift of a new perspective on what's really important to me and how I wish to live and operate in this changing world of ours.
As we emerge from our homes, back into the world, I believe many of us are ready for change.
For me, the possibility of a new paradigm is so exciting now that I’ve gotten clear on what really matters. Are you feeling this too?
I'm envisioning a new normal where women are co-creating a world with more connection, freedom, flow and ease in our days- letting go of the idea that constant stress is normal and letting go of what we’ve been conditioned to believe about how we “should” be living our lives. Through introspection, curiosity and the support of some radically awesome change-makers, I've recognized how my own conditioning, which spawned a relentless self-critic, had been building barriers in so many areas of my life. So much energy was spent here ~
I should make healthier choices
I should meditate more
I should be further along in my career
I should be a better parent
I should reach out to loved ones more
I should exercise more
I should be getting more done in a day
When we believe the shoulds we disempower ourselves by buying into the idea of not good enough, smart enough, ready enough to take action to create the life we truly desire. These thoughts keep us repeating the same patterns so we live in a cycle of habits that keep us feeling safe yet stuck.
With awareness around this limiting self-talk and the help of flower essences, I now practice confronting my shoulds and I accept where I am so I can relax into my days and spend energy nurturing new beliefs ~
I'm the healthiest I've been in along time
My meditation practice deepens every day
It feels awesome to be so passionate about my work
My kids are amazing
How can I find more time to spend with loved ones?
Don't forget how good you feel when you exercise
We are human beings, not human doings :)
This practice (it definitely takes practice) has been a game changer for me. While I've been immersed in a world of holistic health and spiritual studies for the past sixteen years, it has been the past sixteen months that allowed me to see what was dimming my vitality and keeping me stuck. And I believe it's a common theme for many of us ~ limiting beliefs and a bad case of the shoulds. It's my vision and passion to co-create a world where freedom, ease and joy replace fear, stress and overwhelm. Let's free ourselves from the trap of perfection and distraction.
"If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.
Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation"
- Lao Tsu
To help make this possible, I have launched BLOOM ~ a 90 day series where a small group of women will tackle the "shoulds" that may arise when we strive towards 3 empowering states: Calm, Clear & Confident
Part 1
~ Calm ~
To begin, we'll unpack the importance of managing stress. Our busy minds keep us on high-alert and while this serves a purpose, it takes a toll on our bodies and well being.
This month's flower essence blend will offer grounding with tree essences and protection from environmental stressors while quieting our minds for an overall feeling of calm.
Part 2
~ Clear ~
After a few weeks of intentional self-soothing, we'll begin to explore what is ready to be released and what it is that your soul is craving. This month's blend will contain flower essences for tapping into more certainty and a deeper sense of self. When we do this our potential and desires become more clear.
~ Confident ~
With more clarity around who we are and what is and is not serving us, we'll explore what boundaries need to be established in order to maintain our calm, clear sense of self. With the willfulness to remain true to your wants and needs, this month's blend will offer feelings of confidence.
Each month we'll meet as a group for 75 minutes together via Zoom.
I'll share tools and practices that help shift limiting thoughts and beliefs into ones that calm, inspire, motivate and awaken you to your true potential.
In addition, to support this work you will receive astrological insights for the month ahead and a flower essence formula created to support each month's theme. The unique blend of essences will gently assist you in becoming more aware and ease the tension and unpleasant emotions that arise when we feel we're not where we should be. The astrology will offer further guidance and clarity.
I invite you to learn how to let go of what you should be doing so you can begin to thrive being exactly who you are. This is an invitation to BLOOM.
What's included each month:
- A 75 minute live workshop including Q&A
- A unique flower essence formula to support the month's theme
- Astrological insights for the month ahead
- A recording of the workshop (if you are unable to attend live)
- An online community space to stay connected
Investment: $285 or 3 payments of $95
The current series is full
You can use the form below to be the first to know about our next session.
"The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself;
everything that you want, you already are."
- Rumi
everything that you want, you already are."
- Rumi